Each month All Hands will share a post of events from around Taiwan. These events will span networking, professional learning, community gatherings, hiring, seminars, happy hours, and more. This will be a living list and is by no means comprehensive. If you know of a great event that should be included, please send us a message to let us know.
*Unless noted, most of these events are in English, but we have not attended all of these series before. You should look into the event if you have any language concerns.
12/1 – Taiwan’s Referendums; Nuclear Power, Political Moves and Mayhem! – At this edition of Community Convos, it’s time to talk about Taiwan’s politics, nuclear power and energy use, and what the upcoming referendum vote is all about. Brian Hioe of New Bloom Magazine will join the event and give his take on this topic. (Free)
12/2 – December Coffee Morning: Cross-Cultural Competence – Michelle Bradley of Elephant Communications will discuss the influence of Taiwan’s language(s) and cultural history on communication styles in Taiwan. (Free)

12/2 – Meet the GMs – Four senior General Managers in Taiwan will discuss how their individual careers grew and the lessons they learned along the way. Panelists will share insights into how promotion and career advancement works in the Taiwan market as well as delving into some deeper philosophical questions around management and finding the right balance. (NTD $300, includes one free alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink)
12/3 – ANZCham Christmas Sundowners – Sundowners is ANZCham Taipei’s signature networking event, held on the first Friday of every month at Woolloomooloo; All members and friends are welcome to join this professional ‘after-work drinks’ networking event. Sorry, no underaged guests allowed. (RSVP Required. NTD $1300 for members, NTD $1000 for non-members)
12/4 – Polyglot.tw Housewarming Party – Polyglot.tw is relaunching its language meetups at Wildmi Cafe in Taipei. Before resuming regular weekly meetups, there will first be a housewarming party with Wildmi at the new location. Come practice languages and make cool, language-loving friends. (NTD $250)
12/5 – Coffee & Code – A fun and helpful get-together where coders sit down, drink coffee, and code! It’s a great opportunity to ask questions, share ongoing projects, help each other out, and meet other awesome coders. There’s no discrimination at these events, all levels are welcome. (Free)
12/6 – How to build a Sales Pipeline: The Key to Growth – Come review the key components that go into building a Sales Pipeline. Where do leads come from? What sales channels should one focus on? How do your partners play a part? Come meet sales professionals from all industries and learn something new. (Free)
12/8 – AmCham 70th Anniversary – Join fellow AmCham members and counterparts from AIT, the Taiwan government and the business community as they celebrate 70 years of growth and mutual support. (NTD $2500)
12/8 – Scaling Your Venture & Fundraising – Are you facing issues scaling your venture locally or in other markets? Are you running into challenges finding and/or talking to investors locally or internationally? If you struggle with these questions, stop by office hours with venture builder and financial advisor Harvey Ma for some answers! (Free for FutureWard members. Non-members can purchase a half-day pass for NTD $300 to attend and enjoy the facilities)
12/8 – Taipei All Chambers Winter Happy Hour – Celebrate the last All-Chambers event of 2021 with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan at the Grand Hyatt Hotel’s “The Residence” on the second floor. Spend your evening with delicious food, great people, and a gorgeous night view of Taipei City. (NTD $1100 for Members and Guests, NTD $1300 for walk-ins)
12/11 – TIE Social Saturday – Come join Taiwan Impact Entrepreneurs for pizza and socializing at Aroma Cafe. Please invite your family and friends along to enjoy a great night out for scrumptious pizzas and drinks with fellow TIE members. (Free)
12/13 – FIG Weekly Improv Workshop – By simply embracing the improv principle of “yes, and…”, participants can create scenes together where anything can happen! The workshop will start with some basic warm-up games, then build up to creating scenes. No prior improv experience is necessary. This workshop reoccurs every Monday, and is hosted both in Mandarin and English by an instructor and an interpreter. (Free, but please support the venue by purchasing a drink)
12/14 – Taipei LGBTQIA+ 每週聚會Weekly Meetup – Looking for a safe and cool space to meet other LBGTQIA+ people? Then this weekly meetup is for you! Discuss LBGTQIA+ topics, or just what you had for breakfast. Make friends and get to know the Taipei crowd. (NTD $150)
12/15 – 11th Fleet Founder’s Lunch – The 11th Fleet’s Founder’s Lunch is a simple gathering that gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to meet and get to know business professionals from the business community, both locally and internationally. With that in mind, the gathering will be as small and as intimate as possible to allow everyone to get to know one another in a more personal level. (Free, but please purchase your own lunch)
12/16 – Cambridge Graduates in Taiwan – Come chat, network and relax at the end of the day with fellow Cambridge graduates in Taiwan. (Price unknown, RSVP required)
12/16 – Taipei CouchSurfing Weekly Meeting – Whether you’re a local or a traveller, a CS newbie or a CS pro, whether you’re looking for companions for sightseeing or just looking a beer after work – join for a drink, a chat and a laugh at the Taipei CS Weekly Meeting! (Free)
12/17 – EBAT 2021 JINGLE & MINGLE Christmas Party – Returning for the 2nd year following last year’s sold out party, Shangri-La’s beautiful Lobby Court will be the venue for this 100+ person event. Hosted by the European Business Association in Taiwan, expect a fine selection of festive culinary delights, European wines, musical entertainment, and great Raffle Prizes. (Registration is required, NTD $1300 – NTD $1900)
12/18 – Stage Time and Wine – An intimate monthly open mic event, where artists come together to celebrate the spoken word, movement, music, visual arts, storytelling, and other forms of expression. Multicultural and multilingual by design, Red Room invites people from all walks of life to join in promoting a Culture of Listening. (NTD $350)
12/23 – December Green Drinks Taipei – Green Drinks Taipei hopes to create an environmental social hub in Taipei, open to all. If you are interested in nature, the environmental, sustainability, circular economy, and related topics, you are welcome to join this monthly event. (Free)