Each month All Hands will share a post of events from around Taiwan. These events will span networking, professional learning, community gatherings, hiring, seminars, happy hours, and more. This will be a living list and is by no means comprehensive. If you know of a great event that should be included, please send us a message to let us know.
*Unless noted, most of these events are in English, but we have not attended all of these series before. You should look into the event if you have any language concerns.
11/1 – Monday Night Run – Everyone is welcome to join this oft-held group running and jogging session, no matter if you are a beginner, a marathon runner, or a triathlete. (Free)
11/2 – Account Planning Strategies – The Taipei Sales Professionals Group will discuss Account Planning at their next monthly meeting. What are the best strategies? What to focus on? How many accounts do Account Executives need? (Free)
11/2 – Melbourne Cup Charity Luncheon – Come watch “the Race that Stops the Nation” with ANZCham Taipei! The Melbourne Cup Charity Luncheon is an annual event to give back to the community. All the revenue from the raffle tickets and profit from the sweepstakes will be donated to The Community Services Center. (Prices start from NTD $3,100 per person)
11/3 – Advancing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) in the Tech Industry – This international forum, co-organized by AIT and the Talent Circulation Alliance (TCA) invites successful leaders in the technology industry to share with young talents how their companies realize the concept of DEIA, and to inspire young talents with different backgrounds to get into the technology industry. Students or anyone who are interested in this topic are welcome to join. (Free)
11/4 – Meet the Mayor: Luncheon with Hsinchu City Mayor – The American Chamber of Commerce Taiwan is honored to invite Mayor Lin Chih-chien of the Hsinchu City government to join members at a luncheon. The topic for discussion will be announced soon. This event will be conducted in Mandarin, and is for AmCham members only. (NTD $1,500 for individual members, NTD $2,100 for Member Company Employee’s and Guests of Members)
11/4 – Taipei CouchSurfing Weekly Meeting – Whether you’re a local or a traveller, a CS newbie or a CS pro, whether you’re looking for companions for sightseeing or just looking a beer after work – join for a drink, a chat and a laugh at the Taipei CS Weekly Meeting! (free)

11/4 – Community Opportunities – In an age of increasing concern over screen reliance and relationships that rely on less and less human contact, there are lively discussions about the roles and effectiveness of communities. This discussion invites founders and leaders of diverse communities to talk about what it takes to start, grow, sustain, and nurture vibrant communities, as well as the kinds of things that can erode or destroy otherwise healthy communities. (NTD $300, includes one free alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink)
11/10 – SoGal Lunchclub – As a business founder, it’s easy to feel like you are alone and the only one facing challenges. Come join the SoGal Lunchclub and meet up with other diverse founders on a monthly basis for lunch! Held the second Wednesday of every month. (Free, but please support the venue by purchasing something to eat or drink)
11/10 – Scaling Your Venture & Fundraising – Are you facing issues scaling your venture locally or in other markets? Are you running into challenges finding and/or talking to investors locally or internationally? If you struggle with these questions, stop by office hours with venture builder and financial advisor Harvey Ma for some answers! (Free for FutureWard members. Non-members can purchase a half day pass for NTD $300 to attend and enjoy the facilities)
11/11 – November Coffee Morning: Welcome – The Community Services Center Coffee Morning is back – please ¨Come Together For The Center¨ to learn about our programs and services. Bring your old friends, or make some new ones. Free coffee, and snacks, as well as a special Silent Auction fundraiser featuring Girl Scout Cookies and gluten-free items. (Free)
11/11 – CCCT November 11th Happy Hour – Come network at this happy hour happening at ParkLife Drinking Room. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan will be welcoming Ed Jager, the new CTOT Director of Trade and development. RSVP required to attend. (NTD $900 for CCCT members & CTOT Staff; NTD $1,000 for Non-CCCT members.)
11/11 – Networking Event for Startups and Entrepreneurs – Social networking for entrepreneurs, startups, professionals, or anyone looking to make friends with interesting folks from all over the world. (Free)
11/12 – t. Hub Startup Carnival 2021 – Top executives from multinational corporations and investors from Taiwan VC firms will discuss how Taiwan startups can participate in the multi-trillion dollar EV & mobility industry, as well as how startups can take advantage of upcoming future trends to become unicorns. Free lunch will be served. (Free, but prior registration is required)
11/12 – Transforming Urban Mobility – With major players pushing for mobility-related technological advancements in Taiwan, transportation services in Taipei will be disrupted. In this event organized by Taipei Entrepreneurs Hub, mobility experts share their experiences and thoughts on how the next generation of the automotive industry has been taking shape in Taipei. (Free)
11/13 – 12km Day Hike: Dongyanshan to Manyueyuan National Forest – Join Parkbus Taiwan for an amazing day out hiking from Dongyanshan National Forest to Manyueyuan National Forest along the Dongmen Trail. There is no public transportation available to the park, so this experience is nearly impossible to without two cars and a lot of logistics. Come join and make friends on the bus or on the trail. (NTD $800 for adults 14+, NTD $500 for children aged 4-13 and FREE for children under 4)
11/17 – 讀書會 Yinghong Cheng《Discourses of Race and Rising China》 – In this instance of the New Bloom reading group, attendees will engage with Yinghong Cheng’s《Discourses of Race and Rising China》as a way to respond to utopian imaginations of a modern China free from problems of race and explicitly explore the historical and contemporary workings of Han supremacist and Chinese state racism. (Free)
11/17 – How to Create Mood Boards Like a Designer – Want to learn how to create a mood board for your project like a designer? In this workshop, CMF designer specialist, Samantha Cadet, will demonstrate her creative process step-by-step and share key insights on how trends are made. (NTD $300 for members, NTD $350 for non-members. All tickets include a drink)

11/17 – Does Freelancing Make You Free? – If you want to escape the 9-to-5 office job / English teacher life, and are looking to learn what’s possible in terms of freelancing for a living in Taiwan, then come to Does Freelancing Make You Free?. The panel discussion portion of the event will include freelancers in different industries, including branding, management consulting, design and event management come together. They’ll discuss their challenges getting started, the pros and cons of the freelancing lifestyle, understanding the legal hurdles involved, and more. (NTD $300, includes one free alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink)
11/18 – Meet Taipei 創新創業嘉年華 – Come out to Taiwan’s largest startup conference and exhibition, held annually. Learn more about Taiwanese startups, find venture capital partners, and check out the international startups who’ve come to Taiwan to exhibiting their products and companies. Please note that much of the content will be in Mandarin. (Free)
11/20 – Dragon’s Chamber Taiwan – Part of the Meet Taipei exhibition, Dragon’s Chamber Taiwan is a pitch event for foreign entrepreneurs running startups in Taiwan. Come and see the five finalists showcase their ideas for their chance to win investment funding and other incentives. (Free)
11/22 – FIG Improv Workshop – By simply embracing the improv principle of “yes, and…”, participants can create scenes together where anything can happen! The workshop will start with some basic warm-up games, then build up to creating scenes. No prior improv experience is necessary. This workshop reoccurs every Monday, so come join on the 29th if you miss this one! This event is hosted both in Mandarin and English by an instructor and an interpreter. (Free, but please support the venue by purchasing a drink)
11/25 – 11th Fleet Happy Hour – 11th Fleet would like to welcome the start-up ecosystem to a Happy Hour. Come meet investors, founders and other start-up ecosystem participants. (Free)
11/30 – Global Taipei Dialogue XIII: Telling the Taiwan Story – During this forum, panelists will explore how stories from Taiwan are covered in domestic and international media. Due to its unique geopolitical status, international mainstream media focus their coverage of Taiwan on international relations and tourism-related stories. Come listen to this group of experienced speakers and commentators who’ve worked with domestic and international media outlets to help tell the Taiwan story, beyond warmongering rhetoric and sugary drinks. Come join the discussion and reflect on how we can enhance the ways in which Taiwan stories are transmitted globally. (Free)